The Clash of Ideas

The final of the Traditional Debate was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages for the 9th grade students on March 9th, 2018. The teams competed and had debate on “People can/cannot have a happy family and a successful career at the same time” in the final session presented by Emir Arda Gün.

            The students at Science High School 9-A including Tuana Çakmak, Erdem Nezihi Aksu and Asrın Yiğit Öztürk argued for “People can have a happy family and a successful career at the same time”; and the students representing College 9-C including Ece Yalçın, Dila Karaman and Derin Gezer argued for “People cannot have a happy family and a successful career at the same time.”

            The teams that had researched and accessed information impressed the audiences with their proficiency in English and their arguments in line with the debate rules. At the end of the clash of ideas in which the students combined their language and expression abilities, College 9-C was the winner as a result of jury assessment.

            Zehra Hasır, the English teacher guiding the debate underlined that “this activity is opening a door to a different world by being aware of different and opposite ideas on current issues, problems and their solutions.”