Physical Education Teachers First Aid Training

After the first aid training they have had on June 26-27, 2019 Marmara Private College teachers took the Application and Theory exam that was organized by the Ministry of Health. Applied Courses Department Head Mehmet EREN, Physical Education Department Head Erdoğan AYDIN, our teachers Özlem Biley ERUYAR, Sercan AÇIKEL, Sinam ATIL, Murat RECEPOĞLU and Ömer YAMAN have passed the exam and earned their first-aid identity cards and certificates.

Our teachers were trained for general first aid, scene evaluation, basic life support, first aid for bleeding, burning, injuries, heat-stroke, freezing, fractures, dislocations and twists, impaired consciousness, poisoning, animal bites, foreign objects in eyes, ears and nose, drowning and techniques of carrying an injured person.

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