Values Education

Education, in our era has gained life-long continuity with the motto of ‘from cradle to grave’. Marmara Private College carries out various projects within this scope in order to raise the students experiencing and protecting the values.

On 27.09.2014, in 2014-2015 Academic Year Parents Introductory Meeting, Mehmet Alkan, the school principal emphasized that the basic Philosophy and Objectives of the school include that the school community and the Marmarians display behaviours which increase the virtue by interiorizing the balanced, knowledgeable, trustworthy and determined behaviours. Therefore he pointed that behavioural education is crucial besides the academic education; and he underlined the place of values education within the scope of education.

On September 25, 2014 the Educational Clubs were introduced. The teacher responsible for the Human Values Club underlined the theme of virtue on the basis of love and respect, the first condition of the values including taking social responsibility, being consistent, and having fidelity etc.

On 03.10.2014 Nermin YİĞİT and Selcan ÇELİK, Turkish Language and Literature teachers made a presentation on “Presentation Techniques and Academic Honesty” for the students at Marmara College. Our students had presentation on academic honesty which is the set of values encouraging the personal honesty in the project presentation which they make in order for creating ideas, making inference, analysing, searching and reaching new information. There were many applications towards developing the skill of comprehending being virtuous within an ethic frame.  Moreover, students learnt how to evaluate the Honesty and Truth Values academically which are the basic condition to be human; and they learnt the basic elements to evaluate the concept of Virtue as a real intellectual. Moreover, the Psychological Counselling and Guidance department in our school made a presentation on gaining the values by experiencing and the importance of the ethics on success in the new academic year Student-Parents Introductory Meeting. It was emphasized that the primary objectives of our school include raising the individuals who interiorise the human values.


Values Education Club Values Education Club Values Education Club

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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