
Branch of Class Teachers

Students are expected to acquire the following skills in Turkish language lessons:

  • Reading, and critically thinking and making comments on what is read, 
  • Expressing one’s thoughts in an organized way verbally and in written,
  • Developing the skill of speaking before a community,
  • Using Turkish language in accordance with spelling and punctuation rules,
  • Reading a text correctly and in a meaningful way,
  • Developing the language skills and taste of reading by reading important pieces of world and Turkish literature.

For the achievement of the lesson’s objectives;

  • Learning is supported with various methods and materials.
  • Students acquire the courage to speak before a particular group by taking charge as announcers, players, speakers, etc. in various activities. 
  • Grammar rules taught are enhanced with tests.
  • Oral reading practices are done in order to provide that the students read and proounce accurately.
  • Interactive programmes are implemented in order to enhance visual and applied studies.

Mathematics lesson aims at students’ acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:

  • To develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics,
  • To relate Mathematics both within its own system and with other field of knowledge,
  • To learn thinking mathematically and to grasp the general problem-solving strategies,
  • To develop aesthetic feelings by relating Mathematics with art.

For the achievement of the objectives of Mathematics lesson; 

  • Our students are provided to learn by discovering through concrete models.
  • By giving weight to extracurricular activities, researches, projects, alternative forms of assessment and evaluation, students are provided to make multidimensional evaluations.
  • An education model providing the students to think autonomously by taking their individual differences and abilities into consideration is adopted.  

Life Sciences programme aims at students’ acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:

In Life Sciences lessons aims at having our students raise as individuals who have basic life skills and positive individual qualities as well as access to knowledge they can use in life.

In Life Sciences lesson, each subject begins with brain storming with the intention of activating students prior knowledge. The scope of the subject is determined with the questions “What do I know?” “What do I want to learn?” At the end of each unit, evaluation is made under the guidance of the question “What have I learned?”

Students are provided to learn onsite and making direct observations by the excursions organized to various places (ruins, museums, markets, factories, cinema, exhibitions, etc.). At the end of each unit, verbal evaluations, self-evalutions and peer evaluations are done in order to determine to what extent the assigned objectives have been achieved.

In Life Sciences lessons, students also find the opportunity to grasp the knowledge that will provide a basis for social studies and science and technology lessons they will encounter at the 4th grade level.

Science and Technology lesson aims at students’ acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:

  • Arousing interest in the field of physical sciences,
  • Acquiring interrogation and research skillss,
  • Making use of science and technology in order to evaluate unusual situations, getting access to fresh knowledge and solving problems,
  • Adopting and applying available scientific processes and principles when making personal decisions,
  • Being creative, imaginative and open to new perspectives, 
  • Developing an awareness of health and environment,
  • Havinf science and technology literacy,
  • Making use of laboratories and scientific centers in order to learn concepts by way of experiments and activities,
  • Being eager to make scientific researches and examining the ones already done, 
  • Relating basşc scientific concepts with daily life and natural events,
  • Using education techniques, audio-visual course equipments in an effective way,

For the achievement of the lesson’s objectives;

  • Basic concepts and subjects are taught in relation to the daily life experiences of the students.
  • In our education model individual differences are taken into consideration in teaching and learning processes.
  • In the lessons Social Sciences and Turkish language lessons are related.
  • They do learn by grasping rather than in parrot fashion. 
  • They learn posing questions, define problems, making observations, forming hypotheses, making analysis basing on collected data and making generalizations by way of deductions.

Social Studies programme aims at students’ acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:

  • Adapting to differences at time and places one lives in by adopting the fact that human and social life is subject to continuous change and progress,
  • Understanding past by analyzing it; being able to explain the present and contemporary life based on past experiences,
  • Developing the skills of studying, learning, problem-solving and decision making, and acting creativelt while doing this,
  • Knowing and taking one’s civil rights and responsibilites,
  • Being familiar with the environment and have an awareness of history, environment, nature and culture.
  • Habilitating in areas of personal development, human relations, social responsibility, change and coping with problems,
  • Having the consciousness that free thought, tolerance, critical thinking and interrogation are a whole.

* Branch of Foreign Languages

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