Guidance and Counselling

Bodrum Marmara College Guidance and Counselling Service is an indispensable and complementary part of the school with its objective of raising autonomous, self-esteemed, confident, creative and responsible students/individuals who have acquired positive traits both in indivual and social terms.

In this sense, counselling activities have a constructive and substantive characteristic. Counselling activities in our school are development and relation oriented instead of being problem-oriented. And they ground on the development of not only the students having problems but the development of all students. Our psychological counselling unit aims at the expansion of its services to all parties of the school community (students, teachers, families). 

The services rendered by the Guidance and Counselling Center can be collected under 5 general headings:

Knowing the Individual/Student: The Guidance and Counselling Center collects data adopting various methods to know the student in various aspects and to identify her/his interests and abilities.

Psychological Counselling: Helps the solution of the academic, social and emotional problems encountered by the students. The aim is to solve the problems of the individual starting from her/his self-perception and ways of relating others and to help her/him to make functional and realistic decisions.

Orientation Studies: Aims at introducing the new students with the school environment, rules, her/his rights and responsibilities, the physical and operational properties of the school, and helping them to overcome their adaptation problems if they have any.

Educational Studies and Professional Orientation: The Counselling service plays an active role in the orientation of the students to educational studies befitting their interests and needs. The Unit also gives consulting service both to the students and the parents by informing them about SBS- YGS - LYS exams, professionally orientating the students and helping them in university preferences.

Studies for Parents: Our Guidance and Counselling Service carries out educational seminars and group works of interaction and communication for our parents.

The Guidance and Counselling Service of Marmara Education Instititons aims to shed light to parents and students of all age groups about various issues with the bimonthly journal Theraphy.

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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