Physical Training

At Marmara Private Secondary School, the aim of physical training courses is to improve the social skills as well as the motor skills of the students, and to provide their positive character formation. The methods implemented in the courses give our students the opportunity to consolidate the acquisitions of different disciplines. The objective of our courses is to contribute to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of our students and to encourage them to attend physical activities throughout their lives. The interrogation-based PYP education orientates our students to physical activity and learning through physical activity. Students graduating fom Marmara Private Secondary School have the tactical-technical skills and culture about sport branches. 

The Purposes of Physical Training Courses

  • The future of nations depend on the physical and moral maturity of its young members. Civilization is based on the importance and the education given to the individuals. What is expected from education is that it helps the individuals to discover and develop their potential powers and skills.
  • To raise individuals as a whole with their physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects is one of the basic principles of modern education. 
  • The realization of the purpose of modern education is possible with physical trainin as well as with intellectual training. Physical Training is an integral part of general education. Human organism is created for physical activity which is necessary for the sustenance of the vital functions, therefore the good health of the organism. Physical activity has been examined in terms of social experience, health, physical fitness, body balance, aesthetic experience, emptying of stres and psychological perfection. These are investigated under the head of the multi-dimentionality of physical activity. Physical training which aims at the teaching and learning through physical activity contributes to the objectives of general education via physical activities.
  • Within this framework, physical training can be considered as the whole physical activities organized with a view to the physical, psycho-motor (neural and muscular system), intellectual, emotional and social development of the individual.

The Aim and Objectives of of Physical Training Courses

To provide that our students are raised as contended, moral, positive, creative, productive and democratic individuals who are healthy both personally and socially.

Our students

  • learn to acquire basic skills, attitudes and habits about physical training and sports in general and to strengthen their body, organs and systems according to their own physical potential.
  • have nerve, muscle and joint coordination,  
  • acquire good posture, 
  • learn to move in harmony with music and rythm,  
  • grasp the importance of national ceremonies and salvation days and of attending to these ceremonies,
  • acquire consciousness about the benefits of physical training and sports in general, and learn to make use of their spare times with sport activities,
  • acquire skills, attitudes and habits about basic healthcare rules and first-aid, and learn how to love the nature and benefit from fresh air and sun, 
  • acquire the habit of cooperation and teamwork,
  • learn to take charge and responsibility and develop their skills of leadership and conforming to the leader,
  • acquire the skills of self-confidence and timely decision-making,
  • learn the values of fairplay, appreciating the winner, acknowledging defeat, disapproving cheat and injustice,
  • acquire the attitudes and habits necessitated by democratic life,
  • acquire knowledge about sport materials and facilities and their proper use,
  • consciously heading for sports branch training according to their own skills and inclinations,
  • grow with the consciousness of the importance of sport in human life,

The Specific Purposes of Physical Training Courses: 

Our students

  • get to know the parts of the body and learns to move them properly,
  • improve their skills of basic positions,
  • can make proper turns and various forms of scrimmages,
  • acquire bodily elasticity,  
  • make trekking, running, jumping, leaping and climbing exercises,  
  • play effectively with the ball,
  • make actions with mattress, rope and circles,  
  • make balance-developing actions in gymnastic lessons,
  • improve their skills of mind games,.
  • improve their skills of folk dances, 
  • learn the values of fair play,
  • practices football, basketball and volleyball,
  • improve their general sport skills,
  • get to know sport materials and how to use them properly,
  • learn the importance of sport activities for good health and good life, and care for the maintenance of their health.

Our extra-curricular activities:

  • Traditional Ski Training Camp 
  • Traditional Junior Volleyball Tournament 
  • Traditional Tennis Tournament
  • Traditional Sports Tournaments among Classes 
  • Sports Panels

Our purpose is to provide a free environment for our students representing our school in various branches of sport, in which they can express themselves socializing with other sporters from various schools and to contribute to their acquisition and adoption of the values of affection and friendship as well as the principles of fairplay.

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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