Social Studies

Social Studies include the courses of History of Turkish Revolution and Kemalism, and Citizenship and Democracy Education.

The common purpose of all the courses is to raise productive, secular and democratic young people who are devoted to the principles and reformations of Atatürk, who love their homeland and nation, who are eager to keep the national and modern values alive and most importantly, who can take part in the social, culturl and economic development of the Turkish Republic.

Not deviating from this main objective, each course is planned in order to raise the students as responsible, upright, hardworking individuals who adopt national and international humane values, who know and practice their civil rights and who can effectively use their abilities in harmony with their interests and inclinations.

As distinct from traditional approaches, the attendant students’ skills of active participation to social life, decision making and problem solving are observed to improve within the framework of Social Studies courses which take the value of knowledge and the importance of individual experiences into account.

The courses are supported with use of technology and an interdisciplinary approach making connections among the courses of other departments considering the right to access knowledge, practising and producing knowledge as the Fundamentals of scientific thinking.

Our Objectives in Social Studies Education:

When implementing a social sciences programme which synthetizingly unites the experience of the traditional and the continuously changing, progressing approaches of the day with an interdisciplinary understanding, and adopting an activity-centered education model by which students can actively take part in the processes of learning and teaching our basic objective is to raise distinguished and creative individuals who:

  • have developed social skills by way of collaborative teaching methods and techniques enabling the students interact with their surrounding according to their individual experiences and differences,
  • are sensitive to the solution of national and universal problems,
  • have a developed sense of history in the sense that knowing the role of the Turks throughout history and their services to humanity in the fields of military, law, science and art in the light of Atatürk’s maxims as “Turk, be proud, work and trust yourself,” “How Happy is He/She who says I’m a Turk!” and “Peace at Home, Peace in the World,”
  • have reverence and affection toward people who serve the Turkish nation, Turkish flag, Turkish military and homeland,
  • aims at increasing the happiness and welfare of the Turkish society and who endeavour to support the economical, social and cultural progress within national unity.

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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