Character Education

 “Character Education” the programme applied in our school is a kind of values education. Our main objective is to raise different and special individuals with their life skills and academic skills as well. We aim to make contributions in the development of the students as the individuals with good characteristics by means different values determined each year.

The characteristics defined as the life skills include:

  • The children know themselves as the individual and express themselves well
  • They take responsibilities and achieve them
  • They are brave, honest and fair
  • They adopt life-long learning as principle and they are sensitive to the environment and world
  • They attach importance to love, tolerance and respect
  • They have coping skills

There are activities organized every year determined within the scope of Character Education

  •  Classroom Activities 
  • School Activities (Love Day, Creative Hats, Responsible Caterpillars, Honesty T-shirts etc.) 
  • Parent Bulletins 
  • Home Activities (Responsibility Ladder, Target Wheel, Tolerance Window, Creative Hats etc.)

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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