The issues including the endangered natural sources due to the increasing world population, the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, the chemical fertilizer for extreme agriculture practices, infertility of the agricultural lands in time due to the unnatural agricultural pesticides, the forest destruction and the environmental pollution lead to irrevocable destructions in the world day by day. The environmental issues and the endangered natural sources cause problems for the next generations in terms of sustainability. We, asMarmaraCollegeinitiated trainings and practices for the students who are raised with the awareness of the situation in order to teach them the sustainable practices. In the practices named ‘Permaculture’ we ensure that the students learn the Organic Agricultural Practices which are in harmony with the nature and include riches providing diversity within the ecosystem where all living creatures live together.

First of all the Marmarians learnt what the ‘Permaculture practices’ are, the reason for their occurrence, why they are needed and the how to apply it by means of attending a conference named ‘Permaculture Practices’ in 20 December 2014. Our students learn by producing and experiencing at the farm where the agriculture and stockbreeding are carried out atMarmaraEducationVillageunder the guidance of the geography teacher Sedat Toy, who manages the development, application and maintenance process of the project. The students have started to learn compost making (natural fertilizer), the animal manure use, dibbling, arboriculture and planting natural products in the farm. The students will present the first product of the farm to their friends at the school refectory. Moreover our students aim to internalize the practices they carried out as the ‘Sustainable Life Philosophy’.

Parent Letters

Feedbacks from our Distinguished Parents

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