Erasmus - Project

New Erasmus + Project of Marmara Private College and Science High School

İstanbul Private Marmara College and Science High School IGP (Intergrierte Gesamtschule Paffrath) school in Cologne, Germany is starting a new Erasmus + project. IGP and Marmara Private College, which have been sister schools since 1998, have decided to continue with the Erasmus+ project by adding a new one to the teacher-student exchanges they have made many times, the Comenius project and the jointly agreed project work. Istanbul Private Marmara College and Science High School Principal Mehmet ALKAN, Academic Coordinator Nur ŞAHİN, German teachers Gülşen ALADAĞ and Elif SAYGILI, who hosted IGP school principals and teachers in their schools to discuss the studies, the application process for the Erasmus + Tulip Project, the scientific, cultural and artistic They evaluated the activities and made the necessary plans.