Extended Essay

It is one of the core components of the curriculum mode. The Extended Essay, can be defined as the research done by an IB student into a specific topic of interest pertaining to one of the six subjects. It is designed in order to steer students towards an independent way of research.

The Extended Essay is a comprehensive piece of writing presented by the student on chosen topic. It should be related to one of the IB subjects as well as be a topic of interest for the student. Each student works under with the guidance of a supervisor. Once the Extended Essay is completed, it is assessed and scored by an examiner assigned by the IBO. The Extended Essay should not exceed 4,000 words in length, excluding footnotes, references, abstracts and sources

Important Notes:

  • Students should meet their supervisors, on defined dates.
  • Students should systematically check their work against the assessment criteria for the essay, the chosen topic and those inherent to the subject.
  • All presented work should be individual. The supervisor does not choose the topic of the essay, revise the draft or make any calculation checks.
  • The supervisor advises on corrections that are to be made and resources that may be used, but it is the student who plans, drafts and writes the Extended Essay.
  • Time management is essential, work should not be left until the last minute.
  • Student should not be confined to compulsory subject material; other resources should be used alongside them.

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